The Center’s research is the result of the team’s ability to curate & disseminate information in order to live out CHSL’s goal of strengtheninging nonprofits so that they may leverage existing resources to produce better results for the people they serve.

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Building the Nonprofit Ecosystem

Building the Nonprofit Ecosystem

Although nonprofits represent about 5% of United States GDP and 10% of the American work-force, the needs of nonprofits are often marginalized, if not actually undermined. Most human service organizations educate, advocate, form coalitions, and many lobby, on behalf of their clients, cause and community needs. However, beyond pressing for more funding, few nonprofits engage in policy work or collective action addressing the needs, strength and vitality of the nonprofit world itself. Yet, the nonprofit industry faces challenges and threats on many fronts, beyond just financial resources. In contrast, industries such as coal and big pharma demonstrate focused and oft-successful advocacy around their priorities and needs. How the nonprofit ecosystem be strengthened?